(Apologies - I forgot to Number all the nails)
I began with some Basic shapes to formulate buildings, I started getting a little more blocky and trying to make the designs squared.
I also did some work on composition and trying to give the viewer a snapshot of the nature of this city. I focused on an idea for a cultural market, a street and the hospital, I reasoned the market and hospital would be major installations in this city.
After this my ideas of the architecture changed and I wanted to try drawing some more organic buildings again, as well as the idea of roof gardens.
This was the final Composition I did, it tries to incorporate everything into it. I liked how enclosed it is. However it feels very grimy. I envisioned this environment as more of a Utopia and this isn't conveying this message.

Hey Tom - firstly, I think there's no issue with you flipping the aspect ratio to incorporate the portrait composition. I like thumbnails 2, 3, & 4 - because they feel 'kind' and utopian, whereas some of your more 'jagged' thumbnails feel aggressive and hostile?