This is a bare bones description of each scene as I imagine it.
Animation begins:
The Scene fades from black on to the bell which is ringing over the door of the watch makers Shop.
The camera is centered on the counter, the interior needs to be symmetrical. Woman leaves shop and walks to left. Man browsing in shop is looking into display cases on right.
Close and low shot from counter top, centre watch maker, customer hands him a watch, brief exchange about a strap size. Cuts to close up of the exchange mid scene.
Close on watch maker, customer walks towards door out of shop, camera centred on counter, door is in centre shot. Man exits and walks left. construction machinery rumbles past building and can be heard next door to right.
Cuts back to watch maker, his expression slowly turns from pleasantly content to confused dismay.
Camera cuts to mid, outside the shop. The shop is centred in frame. Watch maker exits shop and looks up road, dolly camera tracks up street quickly following the gaze. Camera pitches up and is confronted with a large factory as construction dust settles.
Dirty shot from behind watch maker, over right shoulder, The digital watch factory owner is looking up at his building with content. he looks towards the watch maker, smirks and walks into his factory.
long shot, factory and watch makers shop side by side, watch maker turns and walks into shop, camera fixes on scene for a moment.
Dissolve to mid shot, watch maker is not centred, very large grandfather clock is on right, next to counter, watch maker receives phone call from Factory owner.
Camera is sheer with exterior shop glass, watch maker looks out of front window, can see people with digital watches. Decides his time in the trade is up, camera follows his gaze over shoulder to the grandfather clock.
Shot looking up street close to shop, watch maker exits shop with re-purposed wood from clock, hammer and nails in mouth. Focus is drawn to Factory owner further down the street, he walks up to watch maker and begins to gloat. Construction vehicles race past knocking off the mans toupee.
Long shot from behind new factory looking down at two men. A thin man steps out of the construction dust and brushes himself off.
Mid shot of two men outside watch maker shop, thin man comes over to greet them. People walk past on smart phones, another person puts a digital watch in the bin outside shop. Digital watch factory owner is shocked and now disheartened. Thin man directs their attention to his new range of smart phones. Camera cuts to from of him following the line of his arm to a billboard. Construction vehicles rush in behind him causing him to be buffeted by the wind. He turns, the camera pans with him quickly, a small white, modern, cube shaped, outlet shop appears out of the construction dust.
Camera is left of centre on the building, another man in a black turtle neck is sitting behind a white desk in the centre of the shop, next to him is a sign with a high price tag.
Camera goes to close up of three men across street, the thin man and the digital watch owner begin to laugh at him.
The shot reverts back to the previous outside the shop. Rapidly zooms in to a tilted angle of the man at the desk with the board. He flicks it over to reveal a heavily cut price, and a description of it being outsourced to China.
Close up of three men outside watch makers shop, disheartened the thin man and the digital watch owner walk back to their buildings.
Camera centres on the watch makers shop, when men walk out of shot watch maker turns and heads inside, bell rings and the letter box creaks, he presses his back on the door.
Cuts to a low angle of him, camera is on the doormat, as he walks forward he steps on the camera, removes foot because it makes an unexpected sound, stares into the camera in confusion.
Mid shot from counter top, at the watch maker staring down, room is symmetrical.
High shot, behind turning ceiling fan, still staring down at letter.
Low shot up at watch maker. he turns to look at the letter box, then bends and picks up letter covering camera in process.
Camera is over shoulder focusing on letter, he holds it for a moment then opens. We are given time to read the letter. Whilst voice over reads it for us.
Extreme close up of face, expression of delight, he smirks, and is bathed in a feeling of reassurance.
Camera pans over shoulder, a new building with a 'google glass' sign outside clears from the construction dust. People can be seen wearing them and queuing outside shop. Whilst cube owner is putting up a sign reading. 'Closure', watch maker laughs.
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